Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kell's Awards - Behind the Scenes

The Oscars are tonight, and in honor of them, I've chosen MY candidates for the best movies, crew and actors of the year. Here are the awards for best behind-the-scenes work:

Best Art Direction --
Sherlock Holmes

The gothic sets are gorgeous, the costumes accurate and worthy of any cosplayer's envy. From London's darkened streets to Blackwood's underground cult, the sets, costumes and props are all jaw-dropping. Some specific things that I'd like to draw to attention are the bronze tub, Irene's hotel room, Blackwood's cell, Holmes' cluttered room at 221B, and the half-finished Tower Bridge.

Best Cinematography --
Sherlock Holmes

The opening credits on the cobblestone, the clever camera angles (including the whimsical scene with the 'this side up' box) and the pale coloring used when filming all came together to make an amazing-looking film.

Best Costume Design --
Sherlock Holmes

The different interpretations of what Holmes and Watson might have worn were brilliant, including Watson's high-collared jacket during the dinner scene, and Holmes' hurried disguise. Irene and Mary both sported gorgeous gowns as well, such as Irene's pink dress (as well as the jacket that exposed the bustle) and Mary's navy ensemble during the final scene.

Best Makeup --
Star Trek

Some things that I'd really like to note here are the Romulan's tattoos (they all shared a similar look, while being noticeably different), Gaila's skin (the makeup was smooth and gave the appearance of real green skin), and the Vulcans' eyebrows, each pair distinct.

Best Original Score --
Sherlock Holmes

Essentially, the score WAS Sherlock Holmes, a blend of solitary violin, piano, and additional orchestral accompaniment bringing to mind gothic Victorian characters and architecture. It's the kind of music that you want playing in the background as you wake up in the morning, or walk down a hallway, the sort of music that makes your heart skip a beat.

Best Soundtrack --

Watchmen was a very soundtrack-friendly, considering that a lot of songs were mentioned in the graphic novel. Some that were mentioned and included on the soundtrack were "All Along the Watchtower", "The Times They Are A-Changin'", and "Desolation Row", all Bob Dylan songs, two of which were covers on the soundtrack. Other beautiful songs included in the film were "Sound of Silence", "Unforgettable", and "I'm Your Boogie Man".

Best Song --
Desolation Row - Watchmen

My Chemical Romance did a cover of this Bob Dylan song specifically for Watchmen. The song, with lyrics quoted in the graphic novel, fit the storyline beautifully even before the cover. However, this version of it is better suited for the movie. It's raw, it's action-packed, and it's vicious, corresponding with the movie's style. It's the perfect credits song, almost summarizing everything the audience has seen.

Best Visual Effects --
Star Trek

The ships, the fight scenes, the phaser action. as well as all the creature effects and aliens, bring back the best parts of Trek while keeping out the worst parts (paper mache rocks, anyone?). The effects used in Star Trek bring a fresher look to the franchise.

Best Adapted Screenplay --

Reading the graphic novel, and then watching the film, I didn't fail to see the intense similarities. The screenplay kept all the bits that made the graphic novel amazing, including some kickass direct quotes. Even the ending change was appropriate -- it kept even the most devout fans on the edge of their seats.

Best Original Screenplay --
Sherlock Holmes

The characters weren't original, but the storyline most certainly was. This screenplay took some great elements from individual Sherlock Holmes stories and melded them together, adding, of course, a few completely original elements. Blackwood and Coward were formidable villains, and the well-placed comedy and underlying emotional issues for Holmes made the movie multi-layered and very interesting.

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